
Urology Focus Event

December 7, 2019


Dr. Jaime Landman, Professor, Chairman, UCI

Dr. Ralph Clayman, Professor, Dean Emeritus, UCI

Dr. Mark Jordan, Professor, UCI

Dr. Heidi Stephany, Associate Professor, UCI

Dr. Tony Khoury, Professor, UCI

Dr. Joel Gelman, Professor, UCI

Dr. Judy Choi, Assistant Professor, UCI

Dr. Kai-Wen Chuang, Assistant Professor, UCI

Dr. Leon Seard, II, Associate Professor, UCI

Dr. Elias Wehbi, Assistant Professor, UCI

Dr. Roshan Patel, Assistant Professor, UCI

Dr. Dena Moskowitz, Assistant Professor, UCI

Dr. Greg Gin, Assistant Professor, UCI

Dr. Shlomi Tapiero, Endourology Fellow, UCI

Dr. Pengbo Jiang, Endourology Fellow, UCI

Dr. Aaron Liaw, Fellow

Dr. Bernie Turbow, Volunteer Faculty

Dr. Edward Yun, Volunteer Faculty

Targeted Learners:

All second year medical students at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine

Learning Objectives

  • 1. Why Urology is Important for Every Medical Student?
  • 2. Why Consider Urology as a Career Option?
  • 3. Why Academic Urology?
  • 4. Male Catheterization
  • 5. Testicular and Phallus Exam
  • 6. Prostate Exam
  • 7. Ureteroscopy w/ Cystoscopy Stone Extractions
  • 8. Introduction to Robotic Surgery: Peg transfer/suturing





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